Are you facing ever-increasing demands to minimize your cost per card then get the best SIM card deal. We can help you, get a customized package which fulfill the exact needs of your company.
No hidden- costs & risks
Calculate the telecommunication costs, all around the world, without any unpleasant surprises of hidden bills, we make sure that you get a balanced budget.
Postpaid or Prepaid SIMs
Whatever plan you’re on, you can choose to pay upfront (we call this ‘Prepaid’) or receive a bill after your monthly use (we call this ‘Postpaid’). The same great rates apply no matter which option you choose. Contact one of our sales representative and apply for a credit line.
Advanced SIM Management
Group and organize large number of SIMs with SIMSpot. Create an outstanding overview through our intuitive and real time reporting features. Benefit from our software where you easily can manage up to 50.000 SIM cards. A click of a button and you know the current status of your M2M projects.
Well documented API
In case you have a customized solution which you would like to implement, then please contact our well skilled team who will make sure that the implementation will be performed in an efficient and professional way.
SIMs with special requirements
We can deliver SIMs which fulfill special requirements, for example our sturdy SIM with industrial grade which can withstand temperatures between -40 to +105C.